Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Answer is TD's "PUA Batting Average" article/videos

I'm in the middle of watching the second video. I'm about halfway through where he talked about pulling a stunner after 6 hours of getting totally destroyed. I then thought about how I quit early tonight. Nintendo went home, and I still kept trying but when the bar closed, instead of going to after hours, I just went home. Now granted, I have gone out everyday since Tuesday and even Friday, I went to after hours, but I haven't stayed to the bitter end like I was doing last year. Part of me justifies it as being a waste of time, but late night is when those quick pull opportunites arise. I have to believe that I am more able to take advantage of it now. I vow to try to stay out to the bitter end Saturday.

These videos also helped me remember that sarging is fun. I had fun with Nintendo. I noticed we get amused by some funny shit. I opened some girl with a white dress and tried to open by saying, "Hey, that looks like a wedding dress." Before I could finish up with what I planned as a follow up, she turned away and walked to her friends. I told Nintendo that I busted out with that line and he said, "I should go up and say the same thing." I busted out laughing and he went up and did it. Of course, he got blown out but it was hilarious.

When I wrote the last entry about "I suck," I guess I forgot about all the fun I've had this past week. I guess I forgot how the nights used to be when I really was a newbie at this. I even forgot two Saturdays ago when I went out solo for the first time and was having a rough time.

Sure, I wish I were getting laid more, but now I again see the big picture. I know if I keep going out and doing what I've been doing, results are gonna come. I'm gonna have a blast and I know I will experience things I thought could only happen in my dreams.

In closing, this self doubt stuff was bullshit, but it has been useful in getting my frame back on track.

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