Sunday, May 24, 2015

I need to be a closer & Going for hotter girls Sat & Momentum for Vegas

There's a bunch of days I could have analyzed in detail here but I just didn't have time.  I realized Friday that my biggest problem is that I haven't been a closer.  I haven't been escalating fast enough at times, and I haven't done that many serious attempts at pulling.  I've settled for phone numbers when I should have went for the pull.

I had a fucked up night Friday where some asshole used a screwdriver to unlock my car door, probably because he thought I had a phone in there, when it really was just a light from the car charger.  The person even dumped out my gym bag in the trunk and found nothing.

The good thing about Friday is that I hung out with two guys that are closers.  I need to find out what nicknames they used or just create names for them as I'm sure I'll be hanging out with them more.  One of them is a guy that I met last year but didn't get to sarge with due to my travel arrangements and then me disappearing for the winer.

I started with day game at Target and just seeing other guys being confident in this situation made me take action in the twenty minutes I was there.

Later, the guy I met last year pulled from a street set that he opened as we were walking by.  I don't know if he got laid but it went well enough that he disappeared for the night.

Hanging out with those guys made me realize that I've just been holding myself back.  I've been in this too long to not be having more pulls.  Several of these sets that went well over the past 2-3 weeks could have been pulls if I had been more of a closer.

Training & Momentum for Vegas:
That was what I said I was going to do Saturday.  I ended up only being out for 3.5 hours.  I didn't get deep enough into any sets to try to pull but I did take more action that usual.  I opened a bunch of tall girls in the club that I often wouldn't have opened.

I've made this observation before, but I do get better results from these girls that I do when I think I'm opening a "easy" set by opening some less attractive girl.  The girl that stuck in my mind was this 6 foot tall (she was taller than that with heels) thin blonde.  She was totally my type.  I just started dancing by her and locked eye contact and than started talking.  She was super friendly and I found out she was visiting from Kansas City.  I mentioned this restaurant where I won an eating contest and she recognized it and she started touching my arm when I told her I won a team eating contest there.

The set got messed up when the alpha girl came and dragged the set away.  It was a 5-6 girl bachlorette set.  My mistake was that instead of going back in 5 mins with Disney, who was going to try to use the bottle service deal to move them to another bar, I said we should wait a bit longer.  We ended up not being able to find them so they must have left shortly after I had talked to them.  That makes it even dumber that we didn't go back because they might have come next door for the free bottle service.

Besides opening tall girls, I made myself open on the dance floor.  I've been writing often how I'm scared to open on the dance floor.  Tonight I finally got leverage on myself and said that I need to stop caring about if I get rejected or not and just do it.  It wasn't that difficult and this cute pixie (meaning short and thin) girl was receptive at first.  She then said she wanted to go back to her friends.  I think my mistake was that I should have dance with her and then danced with the rest of the group and then returned to her.

Disney had to leave around 1am.  I decided to leave with him as he talked about checking some other place out but then decided he had to head home.  I walked around and went in another venue.

I danced with two girls but that didn't go anywhere.  I opened some other girls but then I left to wander and do street game.  I kept wishing I had a wing because I just didn't believe that I was going to pull a girl from street game when all I kept seeing were 2 sets or 4-5 girl sets wandering around.

I decided to head home early so I could stop at Walmart to get some last minute things for the trip.  I figured I could push harder in Vegas and it'll be easier.

I really hope I can pull tomorrow night.  We're only going to be there Sunday and Monday night. We are taking the red eye Tuesday/Wed midnight.

At the very least, I need to give a solid effort to pull. Vegas is supposed to be the easiest place to get SNL's.  I should have basically unlimited sets to pull if I keep working it.

The two guys I'm going with are more excited about getting drunk.  I'm going to let myself have 3-5 drinks at the start and then just stop or do 1 drink an hour.  I don't mind having a buzz but I cannot get fucked up or I won't pull.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Don't flog myself: work on fast escalation and pulling

This was going to be the concluding point in the last entry but I think it deserves it's own entry.  Tyler says that too many guys flog themselves too much.  I'm guilty of that.  I've mentioned how this attitude has helped me but I know from experience that too much of it hurts.

Saturday night was a good night and shows how close I am to having even better nights. My nightly experiences are showing me that I can create strong attraction every night, usually in multiple sets, and there are pull opportunities that I keep missing out on.  Sometimes it's due to bad logistics and that's just bad luck.  Maybe from my analyses, I can figure out something that will help me solve those logistics in a similar, future encounter.  Sometimes, or maybe often times at my current skill level, it's just because my pulling skill is lacking.

I'm going to watch and rewatch videos on pulling.  It's like any other skill in the game.  I have to learn and practice.  As I do both, I'll develop the calibration to do it better.

Over the next two weeks, I should really focus on trying to pull, even if it means busting on a set that I might have been able to set a Day 2 on.  Jlaix said the other key is that you have to have the confidence to make a "bold move" to pull instead of just being comfortable with the limited success/attraction you got from the set.

Now, I need to practice this to improve my overall skill set, but since I'm going to Vegas in two weeks, I need to get fast escalation down and have the confidence to pull, or I am not going to get laid there.  Well, to be fair, things are supposedly easier, but my pull skills and fast escalation skills are my limiting factor.

I guess the other factor about Vegas is that if I do 10pm type talk like I did with Seagull's set that he left, at least I'll get a shitload of other sets to correct myself on and still have many more chances to pull.  At the venue tonight, I missed that opportunity and there was only 1-2 other girls to try.

Attraction with bad logistics & Pulling

Seagull linked me a good video that discussed quick escalation.  Watching it made me realize what I wrote in the other post: I have a lot of this stuff down, but I lack a few bits of outer game when it comes to executing fast kino escalation.  This video helped me try to stand closer to the girls tonight (something that I've realized I'm doing wrong, but the video helped push me to work on it, especially in these loud venues when it's often necessary so the girl and I can hear each other).  The video also made me realize that I can just create some incidental contact and it made me feel okay about using jewelry as a reason to touch the girl.  I've rebelled against doing that because in my head I thought of it as a "kino" trick that I used when I was new, but this video made me realize the power of using it.  Also, why should I discard something that works so well, especially when I've been low or reluctant to kino at times.  

The video also helped me reframe that it's not being creepy to touch girls.  I still often struggle with this.  This video helped me understand that if I'm into a girl, it's fine to want to touch her.  It's weird if I'm creating strong attraction and I don't touch her.  She wants me to touch her, especially when I'm doing things right, which I often am now.  Besides, if I screw up, she'll push my arm away.  That's not being creepy to trigger that.  The video explained that it's creepy if you go right back to trying that same move.  If I react properly, I actually can build more rapport and attraction because I show that I'm aware of her reactions and I show that I can pull back if she's uncomfortable.  The video explained that this allows her to be more comfortable later on because she realizes that I get it and will back off if she's uncomfortable.  

Another key video was this Jlaix video about how often what's holding back intermediate guys from pulling regularly is that they don't screw logistics.  I've been working on this for the past few days.  I definitely fit Jlaix's description: Tonight was a good example.  I had two strong sets that were pull possibilities, and there was this girl that Seagull was dancing with that was super high buying temperature that I could have pulled if I had my pulling stills down.  More on that later.  

Dance floor set:
Seagull opened this two set and I was stuck winging the less attractive girl.  Within a short period of time, like a minute or so, he brought his girl to the dance floor.  My girl said she had to follow even though I was starting to dance with her right there.  I just realized that this was a situation where I showed myself that I do know how to escalate properly on the dance floor.  I need to do with hot girls what I did with this girl.  I get rejected on the dance floor more than I should because I do do my dance floor game like I did with this girl.  I'm holding myself back or just acting a little weird because I don't feel fully entitled to the hotter girls.  

I remember I was forced to be a little closer to her because the dance floor was packed.  Still, there was a little space between us.  I started moving to the music and I tried to match her rhythm. I remember I soon grabbed her hand and continued to mirror her moves.  I then got a little closer and I later put the other hand on her hip.  There was more contact but even though I was getting turned on, I didn't fully go into grinding.  She soon moved closer in, and then I started to be more aggressive about letting my leg stimulate her crotch and letting my hard on bump into her.  After that, we just kept grinding and I started to think, "Okay, I want to bang her even though she's large."  

I thought we might pull this two set but I screwed up at some point or she decided to be flaky and at one point she pulled the other girl to the bathroom.  We tried to open them again later but the magic was gone.  

No chemistry with this other girl:
We went to this country venue and opened a set.  My first set was with this cute girl that I had nothing in common with: all my usual interests were things she didn't care about.  She said she liked watching "The Kardashians" which is sort of a turn off for me.  I've seen a few episodes but the way she talked about it combined with her not liking any of the hobbies I talked about made me think that she's one of those people that just veg out in front of the TV all day.    

Seagull said later that I should have told him I was bored so we could have saved time.  He coudln't push all night and we wasted about 5 minutes in that nowhere set.  The only thing I think I could have done differently is that I should have just shut up and try to gaze into her eyes and kino escalate.  Rather than try to take about something substantive, I could spewed out roleplaying scenarios or future adventures projection and tried to just work on physical chemistry instead of building rapport.  

I mention this option because she was giving IOI's.  I suppose then that I have this section titled wrong in that there was chemistry, at least at some point, but we just weren't clicking on common interests.  

I met this awesome engineer girl that was on a weekend trip celebrating the end of finals.  The girl was the polar opposite of the set I just described. Engineer girl was another one of my avatar specialties in that she was smart.  We immediately clicked on travel and she's even been to some of the same places I have been.  

I started with light kino and because we kept connecting, I kept having more reasons to kino.  I really knew she was into me, when I put my arm around her to emphasize something I liked about her, and she snuggled into me as I did that.  

To my credit, I actually did screen logistics in this set and unfortunately it was shit logistics.  She was here with friends from college and they were staying at a hostel.  It turned out to be four of them total.  She went to school in Indiana and was just here for the weekend and is leaving on Sunday (so probably within 8-12 hours of me posting this).  

They weren't even going to stay out.  She had to leave me and she said they were going to sleep.  I made a slight effort (I say slight because I feel that maybe I should have tried harder or made a different approach though Seagull did say after that it was just shit logistics) and said, "You should stay out with me an grab food."  

I think the other move was to get introduced to the friends.  When the friends came, they were ready to leave.  Like the girls were already two tables away and my girl stuck around as I was having her punch in her info into my phone while they were on the way out.  As I write this, I think I could have said, "Introduce me (or us: meaning Seagull and I) to your friends.  Then I could have tried to venue change them all to another place or for food.  That still might not have worked but it was a better move than just letting her go.  

Seagull's set:
Early in the night, I saw this tall girl and a shorter girl (well about my height) walking as we were exiting a bar.  I said we should open them, but I suggested the Gunwitch move.  Gunwitch had talked about how if you're at the mall and you see a girl walking in the opposite direction, you could do a silent stalk.  He meant that rather than opening her when she's walking by, which is a low probability opener, you could just see what store she went into and go int an open here there.  Rather than open them on the street, we could just go into the venue and do a higher probability opener. 

It's funny that Seagull didn't want to do it even though they were going into one of the better venues we were planning on hitting anyway, yet he ended up clicking with her right away and having a pull opportunity.  

We opened them and I chose the wrong target.  I wanted the tall girl.  She talked to me for a little bit and then pulled the other girl away.  Seagull, within a minute of talking to her, was spinning her and dancing with her and he even kissed her briefly.  

Later on, I'd learn two things. His target was super high buying temperature.  We came back after all the above happened, and his target was grinding on some other guy.  That guy screwed up and jsut took a number, as I predicted, and she later was dancing with two other guys.  My girl was just in a bad mood.  The entire night, she was dancing by herself every time I saw her.  I tried again, hoping that she had loosened up from a few drinks.  Nope, I was busted out.  I saw several other guys try and she busted them all out.  

Seagull has to go:
I told Seagull that he could try to steal his target away from the guy she was dancing with: he didn't want to do it.  I forget sometimes how ballsy I have been in the past.  I've had a girl be really into me, or heck, I had that one on Thursday that wasn't into me, and I've tried to steal them off another guy.  I think of this one set a long time ago, where I pulled a girl who I knew was into me or a guy she was grinding with.  

Since he didn't want to do that,I said that if he waited, I bet he could open her again as most guys don't know how to pull.  Either that, or the guy could screw up and Seagull could open the girl when that happened.

I later saw the guy Seagul land I saw with his girl taking a phone number instead of pulling.  

Seagull had to go as he had to get up early.  I told him later that he could have pulled if he stuck it out.  I said I knew he had to go but the lesson is that I think he didn't trust himself.  I said I knew he would stay if he believed he had a 100% chance to pull.  I think he had a better chance to pull that he gave himself credit for and that's why he left.

I could have pulled this girl, provided she'd be into me, and I think if I had done what I knew I was suppose to do, she would have been into me.  I saw her walking by alone.  I knew that the move was to start dancing with her.  I instead opened her verbally and gave her a high five.  I should have gone up, and tried to spin her to spike her buying temperature or even just do the lift move that I've seen Crazyfoot do before.  All I had to do was get her to dance and have fun with me, and then I just need to try to pull.  

I stuck around the venue as I tried other sets but at the very end, I was sticking around to see if the final guy could pull. 

Lesson without  seeing it:
I decided to leave because I knew I needed to learn the lesson without seeing the results.  I knew that if the guy failed and didn't pull, I'd feel better but if he did pull, I'd feel worse.  I felt that I shouldn't see the final result.  I needed to learn.  That girl wanted to get laid and the lesson is that I should have executed the right move instead of doing a half ass 10pm opener  I should be happier if he screwed up because that doesn't matter to me: my screw up is why I didn't go home with her.  His screw up wouldn't mean that my read was wrong or that I couldn't have pulled if I acted properly.  His success doesn't mean that I would have succeeded or failed.  I didn't need to see that either to know that my read was right as my read was the obvious truth.

As I'm writing this, I think I should have stayed if I could have kept my ego in check.  I could have learned technique from the guy's success or failure. I could have seen how he walked her out or if the tall aloof friend cockblocked or not.  

Do you wanna come home with us?! & White Knight Bouncer

I remember watching several segments about how eyewitness testimony can often be inaccurate, yet it is often relied upon as crucial evidence in criminal cases.  Seagull and I both experienced this set but together we couldn't piece together the actual words that were said with this 2-set that could have possibly pulled on Friday night.  A contributing factor was probably that the girls had an accent: one was from Spain and the other from Argentina.

Seagull opened this 2-set in front of this high end club that I'd later have a white knight experience with the bouncer.  We had started with the free cheat codes at our usual spot.  I'll give myself credit for approaching some hot girls that I recently would have failed to approach.  I really fed off the motivation I wrote about in Thursday's report.  One was this tall Asian chick that opened really well.  She has a boyfriend but I would be fine being a friend as she has hot friends, and strangely, she has a guy friend that's into eating like I am.

I went in to wing him and I generated a lot of attraction with my Spanish target.  I sometimes am too hard on myself.  I watched a video Saturday and I realized that my kino mistakes are just minor outer game adjustments I need to make.  I do a lot of stuff right: in this set, I could tell my eye contact was a big factor in creating attraction.  It also helped that she was my avatar specialty, I often attract educated women really well as they appreciate my verbal game and I stand out from the drunk idiots that they deal with all night.

I set out to work on kino so I made myself do more than I had been doing most of this week prior to Thursday.  It was basic stuff that I'd been managing to avoid doing for some dumb reason: I'd touch her on high points and when I gave a statement of interest later on.

At one point, Seagull decided to move them to the one after hours place two blocks away that we knew we could get into: the problem was that like last week, it was just around bar closing time so there was short line to get in.  These girls didn't want to deal with the line even though it would have only taken 5 minutes.  Thinking back, I could have just said that it wouldn't take long but at the time I wanted to try to go for a food extraction or possibly pull to their place of Seagull's.

The part that's fuzzy is what followed next.  Seagull remembers mentioning going to another club.  He said he thought they mentioned going to another club, but he couldn't remember the name of the club.  I could have sworn they said something about how they were just going to go home and then his target said, "Do you want to come with" or something to that extent.  Next, we both agreed that Seagull asked, "Is it close?"

He thought he was asking about another club and at this point, I seriously thought they had invited us over.  He said that if he had heard what I thought I heard, he would have jumped on it.  I thought it was weird that I was the one talking about grabbing a taxi and he was just standing there.  I can't be sure that's what she said, but Seagull admits that even though he thought he originally heard the name of the club, none of the after hours places we know of sounded like something he might have hard.

I saw I remember mentioning a taxi and when no one responded, I tried asking about beers or tequilla and then the girl said, "I don't have any of that" and then they said something to the extent of "forget it."

As I write this, I'm leaning towards she did invite us over as if she had been inviting us to another club, her response to what I said wouldn't have made sense either.

Since I was the one who heard here, we figured later, that I should have grabbed my girl and hailed a cab.  Even if they hadn't invite us over, we would have all been in the cab and on our way to somewhere else instead of losing the set.

I made sure to number close and she did respond to my usual "Hope you got home safely" text the next day so I'll try to set something up this week.

White Knight bouncer:
We tried some more street sets and ended up walking by that high end club.  Seagull opened one of the girls in front that I was pretty sure worked there.  They saw some guy they knew and walked away.  There was a 2-set a little further down and I opened it.  The girl tried to bust me out initially, but I plowed through and her frown and standoffish demeanor changed.  I keep getting reference points lately with sets like this that my verbal vomiting is good as I can usually change their mood.

The other girl wasn't liking me.  I think her facial expression and that we opened some off duty staff a few seconds earlier made this bouncer come and do "white knight" bs.  He came over and put his arm on the girls and lead them away as he said to us, "Get out of here."

We were standing on the sidewalk and I know damn well that he has no jurisdiction here.  I told him, "This is a public street, I can stand here if I want."  I've said that to other bouncers and even to cops that have tried to tell me to clear out. I think he said next, "Okay, but don't talk to girls."

Later, I realized that this was an opening to verbally tool him.  AMOG or white knight shit gets me off and I end up thinking about it for longer than I should.  At the time, the next thing that came to my mind was just to yell, "Good job with your 'white knight' shit!  White knight!"

When he said that shit about the girls, I could have said, "Oh, so that's it?  You're jealous that I'm not talking to you big guy.  Sorry man, I'm into girls, but I'm sure you'll find some other Asian guy."

Thinking back, I could have followed him over and just barraged him with more AMOG tactic lines that I know from past experiences that I'm good at delivering.  It would have been funny and he would have looked stupid.  There's so many ways to rip on him and it was obvious from his response to what little I did say that he wouldn't have the wit to respond.  The best part about the way I deliver this stuff from what I originally learned from Tyler's old "AMOG tactics FR" is this verbal way of tooling him doesn't make him want to fight because fighting just makes him look even more stupid.  Besides, we were in front of his work, he wasn't going to do shit and I could probably sue the place if he attacked me for no reason.

It actually helps me make him more stupid if he tried to look at me in an intimidating way.  Here's an example of the stuff I could have said had he done that:

-Really dude?  You're gonna give me that intimidating bouncer look?  Wow, you're super brave trying to intimidate someone half your size.  If you're so tough, there's this thing called MMA or UFC... maybe you have heard of it?  Yeah, you can make thousands or millions fighting guys your own size.  Oh let me guess why you're not doing that?  Yeah, you'd get your ass kicked?

BTW, I'd deliver this in my usual manner in this situations.  I'd say this stuff with a smile on my face, and staring dead into his eyes.  If I'm sober, which I was, I usually can do this while having this complete calm which messes with a lot of guys, even if they are bigger than me.

Yes, I'm almost certain this bouncer could kick my ass, but I know from dealing with these situations again that he won't because I'm not swearing or directly insulting him.  I'm delivering zingers in a playful tone while making him look stupid and try hard by his responses.

I have a theory on why my staring into their eyes and being calm messes with bigger guys.  First, they are used to guys being intimidated by their size.  This is like when guys will sometimes come up to a girl I'm talking and just stand there thinking I'm going to go away.  I've had them leave when I do even acknowledge them: nowadays it doesn't happen as much unless I'm warming up or the girl is really not into me.  Second, I think they unconsciously pick up on my body language and calm state.

My explanation is that if I were a bad ass Navy Seal who could kill this guy, or I had a weapon, or had two bodyguards ready to jump out of a nearby car, I would display that same eye contact and body language that I exhibit when I do this right.  A guy with any of the things I just said, would stand there completely calm and just stare unflinchingly into the other guy's eyes.

Now, I know this is 100% fool proof.  I've been lucky with a 100% success rate but some fuckers just want to get into a fight and I imagine it could happen some day.  I trust myself to be able to diffuse the situation and I always have the option to just walk away.  If I'm drinking, I'll just walk away just to be safe but sober, which I usually am anyway, I trust myself to deal with anything that will arise.  Finally, I've always said that it's not like I'm going to gangsta clubs or I'm doing this shit in dark alleyways.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Wing pulled, Lone Wolf Rejects me: I get motivated from the shitty days

Good things happen when I have a bad night.  The last time was when I was out with Disney and I screwed up with the bunch of girls we had at the bottle service.  I guess I never did finish posting about that but the results of that night were that I got my workout in order and I finally got a lay two weeks later after a super long dry spell.

That last night was what I'd call a bad night is a testament of how well things have been going lately. I'm being somewhat overly dramatic as the night was good in so many ways.  It just was frustrating how things worked out and I used that to step up my workout.  I think I'll bring this fire with me tonight.

I need to work on fast escalation with high buying temperature sets late in the night, and I need to focus on opening the hottest girls I see.  If I can't get the hottest ones, I at least have to always go for the target that I find most attractive.

Recovering from the buffet:
I started out in a shit state. I didn't get much sleep as I knew I had to wake up early to meet a friend for this lunch buffet.  I ate a ton though I kept the calories somewhat under control.  I then went to sleep when I got home.  I forced myself to run 5 miles fore I went out but I still wasn't feeling energetic when I night began.

I didn't want to use cheat codes as drinking would cause all those calories that were still digesting to just be stored and I probably wasn't going to feel much since my stomach still had a bunch of food in it when I went out.

I wasn't one to give up, especially when I was out with my favorite wing Seagull.  I also knew that it was just a matter of building momentum, as I learned from Tyler's stuff and personal experience.

Hot Blonde but didn't believe enough to enter the mixed set:
It's funny that before the set in question, some guy motivated me.  Early on, I wasn't really clicking with this girl and then this orbiter came in and put his arm around her and tried to tell me it was his girlfriend.  I knew the girl wasn't into me, but it pissed me off that this orbiter was trying to act like it was his girlfriend.  I could tell he was just a friend by the way he put his arm around her so I replied, "Lol, yeah whatever."  He said, "She is my girlfriend" and I seriously said, "Get the fuck out of here" but in a jovial way.  After that set, I said I wanted to open some mixed sets because I felt motivated to do so.  Besides, I had dealt with several mixed set situations the past few times anyway despite me not really pushing those sets and I trust in my ability to either AMOG guys or defuse any potential situations.

Fast forward a little bit and Seagull opened this 2-set at another venue.  Surprisingly, he went for the less attractive girl and I ended up talking to this hot blonde.  She had a really pretty face and Seagull commented later that she had nice breasts, which I did notice.  (I usually don't notice breasts as they aren't my thing but she had a nice pair.  They weren't huge but they fit her body well and her outfit made them pop up.)

The girl was being friendly and giving me good eye contact.  She was keeping the conversation going but I saw she was looking at the Uber ap on her phone.  I mentioned that we were about to go to Wrigley and she told me that she was going up there as well and the venue I mentioned happened to be the same one she was going to.

Mistake one is that I should have number closed here as I was clicking with her and I should have used the incoming Uber as a reason to number close.  To my credit, I at least suggested she cancel the Uber as I said we were driving up there.  I knew that it was unlikely she'd accept so I should have just tried to go with them.

The mixed set:
We made it up to that venue eventually and Seagull pointed out that they were in a mixed set with 3 girls and two guys.  He didn't want to open at first and I didn't feel confident enough to go in.  He was ready to open a few minutes later and I talked him out of it because he basically was asking if I was ready to go in.

This was stupid.  I knew I wasn't in top form but we should have gone in for the practice.  I need to master this skill and be confident because hot girls will always have guys around them.  Even dumber is that I have the skills to deal with these guys yet I often avoid the situation.

The lone wolf vs the 3-set:
We went to this other venue and we tried to open these two high buying temp girls.  I was slow on the kino but at least I tried to hold my target's hand at one point and she rejected the move and said she had a boyfriend.  I'm not sure if she did or if I just wasn't calibrated properly with my kino.  I think I should have started with more kino off the bat since I knew they were high buying temp.

As we were leaving the venue, I stoped this short dyed blonde Latina.  She reacted positively but she said she was going outside.

Seagull and I walked outside and she was out there.  He went to go talk to her as I went to open this 3-set of girls.  This was a key mistake I suppose.  If I had just gone to open the same girl I had opened inside, I might have been the one pulling and getting laid tonight.  Instead, Seagull opened and she was receptive.

My 3-set was friendly and I ended up merging the sets.  We tried moving them to the big country bar but Seagull didn't want to go in because it was almost closing time and he tried to push for the after hours.  The 3-set kept walking with us, but then I lost them when they tried to go into this other bar and got rejected.  I think one girl had a fake ID.  I tried to get them to come to the after hours but i lost them after that.

Clicking with Seagull target:
I ended up sitting with Seagull and the girl at the after hours.  It was dead when we walked in.  There were people but no targets for me.  We all had an interesting conversation going and Burning Man came up.  I knew when she mentioned she loved Burning Man that she was definitely down to fuck.  I even commented that Jeffy's assistant had gone there and hooked up with a ton of girls.  She said that yeah there are some areas where a bunch of orgies happen.

After that, we got into some deeper conversations about stuff.  It was nice to talk to another intelligent girl.  It was like talking to that girl I hooked up with a few weeks ago.

She went to the washroom and I told Seagull that I would just hang out for a bit and then I'd leave and he could isolate.  I said the other move was we could just both stick in and try to get her to do a 3-way or to hook up with us both.  He said he wanted the practice of pulling and would rather not screw things up doing something crazy like that.

He's my wing so I wasn't going to try to steal his target even though I was clicking with her.

The lone wolf who wanted to get laid:
I remember turning around and noticing that there were more girls around than when we had walked in.  I decided to open this chubby dirty blonde by the bar.  She told me that she had been stood up and this was her first time at this place.  I knew that me she was high buying temperature.  My mistake was probably that I didn't try to kino and give IOI's off the bat.  I kept talking, though I did move her to introduce her to Seagull and his girl.

At one point, she started talking to this gay guy and she was really into him, trying to kino him.  I tried to pull her attention away to no avail, so I ended up going on the dance floor.

I ended up dancing with some hot girls from Atlanta but I coudln't figure out if they were single or what their deal was.  Now I realize I should have just asked.  Two of the girls seemed like they were with guys but one girl definitely seemed alone but for some reason I never asked the details of how they all knew each other.  That was a mistake because if one of them was single, I should have gone for them as they were way hotter than either the lone wolf or Seagull's girl.

Dance floor fun:
It's so amazing how I turned around from being low energy at the beginning of the night to complete massive state on the dance floor.  I'm still pumped up now and I have to try to go to sleep soon.  I began with dancing by the Atlanta girls and at one point this really hot girl started grinding on me for like 30 seconds.  I didn't understand her story either; again I should have asked.

The lone wolf again:
The gay guy left and the lone wolf appeared on the dance floor.  She was dancing with some guy but left him so I tried to dance with her.  She pulled away after a short while.  This other guy started trying to talk to her and I made a strong move of trying to bust him out.  This is why I should work more mixed sets and why I should have gone in on the hot blonde earlier.  I usually know how to calibrate this stuff with other guys.

This guy asked her if I was her boyfriend and she said no.  He tried to tell me to go away.  I put my arm around him and then her.  I think she walked away after this and he tried to give me some shit and I said something like, "Oh, you want to dance me me" and I started moving towards him.  That fake gay stuff is the best because a lot of guys are insecure about that and it makes them go away.  I've used it successfully to pull girls of guys that they are gridning with in the past, though the only real time to try that is if you are pretty sure that the girl is into you.

Aggravated but an old friend appeared:
I got really aggravated that I knew this lone wolf wanted to fuck yet she rejected me.  Suddenly, an old Natural friend that frequents this venue appeared.  Seagull and I were wondering if he was still around as I hadn't seen him in over a year, but I also hadn't been going out in the area in awhile.  It was good to see him.  I tried to get him to go for the girl but he's not the type that tries to steal girls from other guys as he wouldn't do it.  I kept telling him that I knew she wanted to hook up with someone and I'd rather have it be a friend since it could be me rather than these random guys that she was dancing with.

When I was leaving, I actually vented a bit by saying I was feeling down about her not wanting me but he made me realize the obvious.  He told me a story of how one of his friends was dancing with a girl who was down to fuck but she didn't like him and ten minutes later she went with some other guy.  I knew that but it felt good to hear it form him.

I'm motivated:
That's what I said at the beginning.  I realize that this night wasn't that bad but it sucks to not get laid because I didn't try to open Seagull's target when I got outside and then I got rejected by this high buying temp girl at the end of  the night.

Again, I'm happy that I turned my mood around and I was having a blast on the dance floor.  I was having fun with a bunch of people at the bar and what a change that is from how I used to operate.

I should have found out more about the Atlanta girls and the other hottie that was out there instead of focusing on that lone wolf who rejected me.

When I go out tonight, I'm going to focus on my kino, especially faster escalation at the end of the night.  I'm also going to make myself approach the hot girls and the ones I'm really attracted to.

It is stupid that I was lamenting about some chubby girl that rejected me when I had a hot blonde into me earlier and there were several tall hot girls from Atlanta that I had opened, yet I didn't try to figure out their logistics/relationships with the two guys in the set.

Tyler talked in a video about how he had this frustrating night where his friend pulled and he didn't.  Then he ended up pulling an even hotter girl the next night.  Strangely, that might have happened for Seagull.  He had said he was drunk on Wednesday and screwed up pulling this lone wolf who was DTF and he ended up pulling the next day.  I hope I can pull Friday or Saturday.

One thing is for sure, good things can happen if I follow through with my game plan of going for the hottest girls instead of just trying to open sets that seem easier (even though they often aren't and the hotter girls can respond better, sometimes, so my game that average or chubby girls.)

Friday, May 1, 2015

Free Tour, High buying temp, tried to pull

I had a stressed filled trip trying to make the RSD free tour.  I picked up and phone call from Prodigy and I actually ended up amusing myself because I told him he got to see this flustered side of me that my wings almost never see.  It worked out okay and I got to free tour just as it was about to begin.

As usual, I was pumped up after two and a half hours of hearing speeches from Jlaix and Tyler.  I didn't go out right away as Seagull wanted to finish the basketball game and I couldn't get into where Nintendo and Andydufresne were eating.  I had two martinis from my gift card and my free tator tots and waited.

There is something about getting to the venue late.  The girls have been drinking and get into state which probably contributed to me getting anime eyes from the first two sets we opened.  There was this tall  blonde Seagull liked in the first 3 set.  She probably was the hottest one, but I opened and like the red haired girl, but it turned out she had a boyfriend.

The one mistake of the night was when I immediately opened this 2-set after the initial set.  This girl was really giving me anime eyes but I kept blabbering.  I knew I should try to escalate, but me trying to escalate quickly when I'm just getting warmed up is too slow.  I just did light kino on her shoulder when I should have put my arm around her or tried to hold her hand.  I think the set stalled because I wasn't escalating.

We walked over to this other bar and this second set had two really high buying temperature girls.  This time I was quicker and did have my arm around her and held her hand.  I asked her if she was single but she said she had a boyfriend.  I'm still not sure what to think.  She ended up going to the bathroom and I just hung around.  Seagull, meanwhile had plowed through the friend's BS.  As I was escalating on my girl, I could hear his girl telling him that they were having a girl's night out and other BS but then after he plowed through it, she became friendly.  My target then came out of the bathroom and went by this tall guy nearby and then they left together.  She was really high buying temp so I don't know if he had opened her earlier and she liked him or what the deal was.  It didn't make sense that it was her boyfriend in a way as he was standing nearby and I was escalating on her.

Seagull's target was a little chubby so I figured he didn't really care.  As he was talking to her, she kept looking over at me.  When he gave up trying to escalate, I asked him in code if it was okay if I tried to escalate and pull.  We had developed this code that one Tuesday when I could have pulled this girl, but I was in a bad state.  He didn't want to steal my target but I said I actually wanted him to pull her rather than letting her hook up with this guy she said she had hooked up with 5 years ago.

He said I could try so I kept trying to escalate and seed a pull.  She drank too much and wasn't making much sense.  She was coherent enough to tell her other friend, who I didn't even realize was with her until closing time, that she was fine to go home.  I kept trying to get her to leave the venue with me.  I eventually walked out with her but I gave up.  Seagull and I both agreed that one last move would have been to try to get in the taxi with her and maybe I should have gone for it.

The thing is that I probably wouldn't have wanted to babysit here.  She had gotten drunk enough that I wouldn't have had tried to have sex until maybe the next morning when she sobered up.

We went on Division and worked on this giant French mixed set.  They were in a giant guy and girl circle on the dance floor.  Just as we were about to leave, I noticed they had left the dance floor and I pointed this out to Seagull.  This was a small mistake.  I should have just gone and approached this tall attractive blonde instead of point it out.  We both started to walk over there and I let him open since I didn't want to cut him off and if I had wanted to do it, I shouldn't have hesitated.

I later tried opening one of the friends.  We were having decent conversation but it wasn't really on.  Seagull debated if he should stick the set out.  Since it was a giant group, the move was to just try to hang out with them until the end and then hope he could pull her away from the group.  He didn't want to do that as he didn't want to stay up all night and be tired on Friday.

I came up with this move that he took and I also tried to seed with the girl I was talking to.  I told them to just tell them about Disney's promo where we get the 3 free drinks Friday and Saturday.  They had like 10 people so that would be 30 free drinks.  I told Seagull to grab a pen.  While he was doing that, I decided to try it with my girl. She didn't have a pen so I told her to just pull out her phone and I'd type the place and what to say to get in.

We're going there anyway.  If they show up, it's good and I'll try again with the girl I was talking to and if not, oh well.  More sets tomorrow.