Sunday, May 15, 2011

Latina milf but can't kino escalate far enough

I went to this club in the suburbs that has new owners. Seagull was supposed to come out but it was clear by like 5pm that it wasn't gonna happen. I was excited to try a new venue. Also, it was raining, so I liked the idea of just hitting one place that has a parking lot nearby. Finally, I wanted to try the suburbs. I haven't hit Schaumburg since I number closed that one girl with a BF my first week back in the game.

Are you with him?
This venue allows you to put your name on the VIP list through facebook. I wasn't sure if it was too late since I found that out about 9PM plus I made a stupid excuse that my facebook name is different than my license. It probably woudln't matter anyway as you give the name to a guy with a clipboard. Besides that, it seemed like cover was free before 10PM.

As I was walking in, I was right behind this dude. He gave his name to the clipboard guy and walked in for free. The clipboard guy looked at me and asked me, "Are you with him?" It's funny cause in the past I would have hesitated. Also, I might have had some stupid moral issue with giving a white lie like this which I don't have a problem with anymore. I just said, "Yeah." I was facing forward and in my low awareness radiance state. He asked again and I looked him in the eye and said "Yeah" again and I got in. Again, chances are I think I would have gotten in without the cover anyway, but why risk it? I mention this because this is another development that sarging brought me. In the past, the bouncer probably would have sensed I was full of shit from my demeanor in my AFC or rAFC days.

Two possible wings and I can't lose the lame one:
The place was really slow when I got in, but there were a few cute sets. I went into social momentum mode. I just started working the room. I had a decent set with this blonde girl that I probably should have number closed. She liked me and perhaps my mistake was I didn't try to isolate her. A friend dragged her off to the bathroom. I went back in and didn't seem to ignite the set as well. I probably could have gone in a third time and hooked her, but instead I met a better looking girl anyway. More on her later.

There was a guy in that blonde girl set that seemed pretty cool. He opened me later as I was walking. He said he was with girls from work but not with any of them (as in not dating or interested in any of them). I guess he had seen me working the room. I was gonna have him wing me as I think he would have done a decent job, but I got into a lone wolf set.

The other guy I met was this 40 year old Indian dude. He okay to talk to, but he kept following me around wanting to wing me. He did okay with this 3 Indian girls that I introduced him too. I think what bothered me is that he did several things that were low value. First, he held his drink up by his chest, which I suppose I could have corrected. Next, he said he had talked to these Polish girls that I pointed out in the smoking area. I said that he should open them again then and pull me in, and of course, he just stood there cause he didn't want to approach. I then opened them and he came in. I was probably busted out anyway and the girls said they have boyfriends, but I was plowing and getting a decent reaction. He came in and then I immediately lost the set.

I ended up losing him by going on the dance floor by myself to pump my state. Later he found me there and just stood by me. He literally was just standing still in the middle of the dance floor next to me. WTF?

Latina lone wolf:

I was just thinking about how I put some of this extra stuff in my reports that I could probably just omit. I guess I do it for myself so I remember what I had to go through to get to the better sets in the night. A few times early on, I felt really awkward and was standing, playing with my phone, and feeling lame. I had several bust ups with some hot girls too. This really hot set just basically immediately busted me out. I give myself credit for opening even when I wasn't full in state, and because I laughed when they busted me out.

I had told the cool potential wing guy I was going to the bathroom and then we were gonna open sets. When I was walking back, I saw this woman standing with a drink by herself. She is in her late 30's but has a hot body, especially considering she has three kids. I immediately opened. I found out early on that she was by herself. She asked me who I came with and I said, "Myself." She told me that she was supposed to meet a girlfriend her but the friend flaked and she came out by herself.

Immediately, ONS bells were ringing. It turns out my read was wrong, or I just didn't run my game well enough to even get close.

No Party dong:

I should make a whole other entry about this, but I need to wait until I have more trials. Like last Saturday, I went out this Saturday with like zero sex drive. Last week, I reported being completely calm and getting massive IOI's right off the bat. Tonight, I had little sleep and had to deal with working a slow venue. I also was just worn out from sex. Karina and I basically fucked the entire time she was here. The funny thing is I thought I wasn't even gonna get any action Friday when she got her as she put her head on the pillow and looked ready to go to sleep.

I almost didn't go out. I had zero sex drive and was tired. I forced myself to go out even though I knew it was gonna be solo. I wanted to go out for two reasons. First, I wanted to get more practice. Improvement in this game is about putting the time in the field and pushing your comfort zone as you work on your sticking points. The more you go out, the more you improve. Going out tonight meant I was one day closer to getting crazy success in the future. Mainly, I wanted to try sarging again having no sexual neediness.

I have to wonder if having no drive is part of the reason why I couldn't get her comfortable with escalation. If I had been able to get into a sexual state, maybe I would have got a kiss or better.

Not for a lack of trying:

I did a lot of moves tonight. We started off our conversation by the bar area. She mentioned dancing, but I told her to wait for a good song. We danced for several songs and then I moved her to a quieter area. Part of the reason is for the game reason of moving her around. The other is that while I don't get tired from dancing, I sweat like crazy. We cooled off, and then she wanted to go back out and dance.

She is an excellent dancer. She was the stereotypical Latina that knows how to move her hips really well. (She probably is awesome in bed. I hope I can find out). I suppose if I had G's dance game I could have escalated. My dance skills are very basic, but I can escalate with girls that want to get physical fast. I tried the hand on the shoulder. She was cool with that but when I put my hands on her waist, she was cool with it for like ten seconds, but then she pulled away. I tried spinning her and then pulling her into me. She kept dancing around and pulling back. Sometimes she's face her back to me and I'd close in on her and put my hands on her hips. She grinded on me for a few seconds and then pulled away.

At another dance break, we sat down. She was sitting on this cube thing and I made her move over a bit so I could sit next to her. I clawed her but she seemed a little uncomfortable with it at times. When we got a deep conversation going, she seemed comfortable with me holding the top of her hand with my hand. I also touched her legs are few times and didn't get any resistance, but then again, I didn't keep it there that long.

The Big IOI's:
There are ways I could have interpreted this set in a bad way. At times, I wondered if I had turned into dance partner of the night. I realized though that she was older and maybe that's why she wasn't into the grinding like I do with younger girls. She is definitely lonely. She said she works a lot and doesn't get out much.

On the dance floor, early on, I wondered if she didn't like me because it almost seemed like she kept moving back away from me. I kept trying to stay close to her because I didn't want dudes to cut in and dance with her. I give myself credit for being proactive at times. I remember two different times, she was dancing in front of me, and I could see some dude start to get close to her. I could see he was about to try to start grinding with her. Both times, I grabbed her hand spun her away from her. I'm lucky I'm not a Sangria where the dudes are way more aggressive. Just dancing by her kept most of the guys and away and my spin move got rid of the two that were trying.

The first big IOI was that there were two dudes that tried to approach her more directly. The second time we were on the dance floor, I remember this Italian dude was walking by and he stopped her and started talking in her ear. I knew he was sarging, but I didn't know at the time what she said but he left. Later, I knew it was the same thing she did to this other dude. This guy touched her and starting moving towards her and she waved him off and pointed at me.

I would say that IOI overrides her body language on the dance floor. She had said she likes dancing. She was just dancing and obviously, she wasn't trying to move away from me. I still think if i had real dance moves, I could have escalated. Maybe I needed to lift her up like Ozzie shows in his videos. I don't know.

The other big IOI was she went to the bathroom on two different occasions. The first time, she asked me to stay by the cube thing. I said I'd be in the area. I went up to the bar to get a water and I started talking to this random dude. When she was gone, I heard some guy hit the floor. I didn't get to see what happened but two bouncers struggled with this angry drunk dude as they moved him towards the front to throw him out. I remember thinking it was odd cause usually you see two parties fighting or about to start a fight. The guy I was talking to made a good point that sometimes they just kick out the louder or more belligerent guy. We joked about how it would be easy for bouncers to through either of us out, but the dude that was causing the problems was actually as big as one of the bouncers and the two guys were really struggling to throw him out. Anyway, she came back to me as she promised.

The second time, we were standing by the dance floor. She wanted to watch people dance but her legs had started to tire so she didn't really want to dance. She had to go to the rest room again. The way she asked me to wait there made it seem like she was afraid I was gonna run off. This time, I didn't even bother opening someone. I just started dancing to the music while I waited.

Food extraction attempt:
I seeded a possible food extraction early on. I said I was hungry even though I wasn't. I turns out I could have eaten as I ate a salad here at home before I wrote this report. (On a sidenote, I weighed myself and realized I gained 10lbs in the 3 weeks that Sidegames was here. WTF! That motivates me to lose weight again. I was close to fitting into some old clothes before I started to eat like a pig using Sidegames as an excuse to binge.) When she mentioned she was ready to leave, I tried for the food. She considered it for a few seconds but said she wasn't hungry.

I suppose I could have been bold and just tried for the house extraction. I could have said something like, "This place is gonna close soon. Why don't you come hang out, drink some beers, and watch a movie (or see some pictures or whatever)?" I'm watching Jeffy Show 2 again and he talked about going for the pull sometimes even when you don't think it's possible. I don't think that was the right move though as I hadn't kiss closed her yet.

I had her hug me when she was leaving and I tried the move I did with that girl on Thursday, but she hugged me and released right away.

Number close:
I didn't even mention this yet, but I number closed her early on. I take the number pretty consistently if we happen to discuss hanging out and doing something cool. I remember how I screwed that up with this Latina set with Sidegames two weeks ago. We talked about the zoo and restaurants and I told her she should give me my number. I suppose I passed a minor shit test her. She said, "Give me your number." I know that's usually wood, but I gave her my phone number. Then I made sure to do the old trick of having her text me right after entering my name.

I also got to use my old trick when I forget names. Despite knowing the word associations trick for remember names, I still seem to consistently forget names. I almost have photographic memory for what a woman tells me about her life. I'll remember what she likes to do, or where she'd like to travel, or pets, but I forget the name almost every time. I had her spell her name out when I was saving her number from the text.

I made sure to text her the standard, "Hope you got home safe" text. I hate when I forget cause I feel more awkward doing it the next day. It's also more likely a drunk girl won't remember me the next day too. The same night text helps her remember you. This girl gave me another big IOI by texting me a response to the same night text. Also, when we hugged when she was leaving she reminded me to text her.

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