Friday, April 1, 2011

Time to try to kiss close every set

I guess I had a decent Thursday night.  I opened sets and a few girls seemed to be into me.  That blonde in the white dress seemed to be high buying temperature too and there was just something sexy about her even though she's not my type other than being blonde.  

I have to admit that I'm starting to feel that frustration I felt last year.  I'm actually sarging better than at the end of last summer due to fixing some inner game issues and the sheer volume of sarging I've been doing.  I'm even having a blast and having no problems going out solo. 

Still, I feel like I should be doing more.  Pulling girls for SNL would be nice, but I know that will happen eventually.  As I keep writing, though, I need to be kiss closing before SNL extractions can even be possible.  I think it's time to try that challenge I heard about three years ago. 

I remember seeing this video with "Lovedrop," one of Mystery's wings who talked about learning kissing calibration by trying to kiss close every set.  That seemed like such a crazy mission to try, but I see that it's what I need to do now.  I've been showing a lot more intent, especially during the opener, and it's helped me.  I'm doing enough right that it seems that just about every night, there's a set that seems totally on.  I just have failed to make something more happen for whatever reason.  Wednesday, the friends walked in at a bad time with the really high buying temperature girl, but I should have pushed for the kiss close sooner with the traveling Polish girl. 

I feel like I'm spinning my wheels cause I do the same shit every night now.  It's good I'm an approach machine again.  My game is good enough that girls generally like me when I open them, and a good amount really start to display IOI's.  I think I just need to kino escalate more and faster.  I need to go for the kiss so I can learn this calibration.  Sure, I'm afraid of rejection, but getting rejected is a good thing.  It'll give me reference experience: I'll know when I went to soon for the kiss.  This post I just read on RSD talked about how sometimes you'll be surprised how many girls well let you kiss them when you think it's not really on.

I'll close by saying I seem to be doing everything right at the moment except for that dance floor anxiety that pops up, and not pushing for the kiss close.  If I want to improve, I gotta take on this challenge and really push to get some reference experience.  

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