Sunday, March 28, 2010

This "success in sarging" has to happen

..I'm about ready to go to bed. It's my new mantra I repeat to myself. "This has to happen." As I wrote in the title, it means "success in sarging." In other words, hooking up with girls, and just having fun experiences when I'm out in the field.

Again, I'm thinking about the night and of course I feel that bit of frustration, but I start smiling because I have absolute faith that my game is going in the right direction. Heck, my life is finally going in the right direction. I haven't even written about that other stuff here. I'm dedicated again to work, I'm increasing my mileage in my running program, and I'm even watching what I eat and my clothes are fitting better.

Sarging is when I really feel alive, though. When I'm on a hot streak at work and when I'm having a good run on a beautiful day are probably a close second.

I just think back on where I started in this game and I'm just amazed at what happens to me now when I go out. I still consider these one or two day a week outing to be practice. I'm looking forward to summertime when I hope to be going out at least three times a week and having consistent practice with my wings.

I just don't see how I'm not going to see the success I'm looking for and I supposed that means that I'm finally gaining the confidence and inner game that I've lacked in sarging.

I'm going to be having some incredible experiences this summer and the girls I meet will have an awesome time too.


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